Advertising and marketing are the lifeblood of any business. Sponsored listings can place your website at the top of main search engines.
There are a number of methods of marketing and advertising available to Internet businesses. A primary method is sponsored link advertising (paid link advertising), and the three main service providers are Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft.
Search listings allow a business to pay for ads that are displayed when certain keyword terms are used in searches. The ads can be restricted to a specific search engine, it's search engine partners, or affiliated businesses that offer ad space on their websites.
- Why is Google More Popular Than the Other Search Engines?
- What Exactly is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?
- Will Pay-Per-Click Advertising Work for My Business?
- Exactly How Does It Work?
- What are Clicks & Conversions?
- What are the Overall Costs?
- What is an Appropriate Advertising Budget to Start With?
- Can I Target My Ads by Geography?
- I’m Using Pay-Per-Click Now and I Haven't Got the Results I Wanted...Why?
- How is Same Person Multiple Clicks (Click-Fraud) Prevented?
Why is Google More Popular Than the Other Search Engines?
Google is the most searched website in the world solely delivering over 50% all the worlds’ search results (NetRatings). Smaller companies like Yahoo! and MSN do provide millions of search results each month, but Google continues to deliver users, businesses and our clients the best search results and most exposure for less money with the best return-on-investment time after time. Google is the place advertise on the Internet. Once your Google campaign is a well defined formula that is making you money consistently, you should then roll out the campaign strategy to the other search engines.
What Exactly is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?
Pay-per-click advertising, also known as sponsored search marketing or more commonly, as search engine marketing (SEM) or (PPC), allows businesses to bid for the most visible spots on search engine results page using an auction-style format. You create several ads for your product or service, select the keywords that you want to show your ad, and choose the maximum price you are willing to pay for that click/lead. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The higher you bid for a keyword, the higher your ads will display on search engine results pages.
Using PPC Advertising, your business can advertise in the most heavily trafficked search engines and information sites on the web, reaching MOST of all active Internet users. However, with 100,000's of advertisers using this type of advertising, it takes a cutting-edge and constantly monitored campaign to be successful, and this is exactly what we provide.
Will Pay-Per-Click Advertising Work for My Business?
Yes, it will work for your busines, products or services and works for about 90% of all business types and industries. PPC advertising allows you to specifically target the type of consumer you are looking for which enables your business to be in front of that consumer the very instance they are looking for you offer. Plus, it's also essentially "FREE" until an interested customer clicks on your ad. It is the most efficient means of advertising ever created and it is now at your fingertips.
Exactly How Does It Work?
As a gift shop owner in Youngstown, you may wish to bid on the keyword "Youngstown gift shop." If a competing gift shop in Youngstown has already bid $0.40 on the keyword "Youngstown gift shop," your must bid $0.41 in order to appear higher among the sponsored sites in Google or Yahoo, for example. Let us say that you bid $0.41. Your ad will appear highest on a search for "Youngstown gift shop" giving you more visibilty then the competitor who's ad will appear below yours. Each time a potential customer clicks your ad to go to your website, your business will incur a $0.41 charge, but you will also have assured that this customer is much more likely to purchase gifts from you becuase they went to your website.
What are the Overall Costs?
Fees will vary for each specific keyword term and requires a minimum bid of at least $0.10/click. You can set a maximum bid that you are willing to pay for targeted clicks or establish different bids for individual keyword terms. Some keyword terms may only require the starting amount of $0.10 to achieve the highest search results position while more competitive keyword terms can cost as much as $20.00/click. We customize your bidding plan to ensure you get the most qualified clicks and most traffic for your budget.
What are Clicks & Conversions?
A "click" is the action of a search engine user that clicks on your ad in the search engine results to go to your website. This is also known as " a click-thru or traffic." A "conversion" is when the user does something from being on your website like: makes a purchase, emails you, calls you, joins your email list, completes a lead form, etc. To us, its all about conversions. We focus on creating leads and sales for you, not just deliver clicks and traffic.
What is an Appropriate Advertising Budget to Start With?
Determining your monthly spending budget largely depends on the level of competition and what keywords you are using. You can set starting budget of $100.00/month, regardless of industry or keyword competition, and it will give you the absolute best chance of starting off successfully and maintaing the "first page" position. But we prefer to work in determining your ad budget minimizing your expenses.
Can I Target My Ads by Geography?
Yes, you can have your ads only show up within a specified area, city, town, or state, showing your ads only when people within this radius search using your keywords. Geo-targeted campaigns and keywords are generally less expensive and work best for people where geography is important in making the sale.
I’m Using Pay-Per-Click Now & I Haven't Got the Results I Wanted......Why?
People quickly learn that running a successful PPC campaign with a good return is not by any means easy. PPC marketing is more complicated than it appears, and that’s why so many turn to us to manage and optimize their campaigns. Some don't see the results they hoped for because they don't have enough or the right keywords , etc. While others just truly don’t understand how everything adds up and works together. That’s what we are here for, to show you and guide you along the entire process to ensure your success, answer all the questions and eliminate all of the variables that pop up everyday when managing profitable PPC campaigns.
How is Same Person Multiple Clicks, (Click-Fraud) Prevented?
Google has very sophisticated software that ensures advertisers don't get charged for invalid clicks. They use many techniques to filter the clicks before they show up as a charge to their advertisers. This is one of the most important issues faced by Google and all search engines, which is why they have a dedicated “Click-Fraud” prevention department that is obsessed with protecting advertisers. They realize that this is essential to ensure the integrity of the PPC search marketplace and they make every effort to prevent invalid clicks.